Our finalists offer their inspired call to care for God's creation because they believe in the work of Earth Ministry. The sermon contest is a fundraiser to support the religious environmental work of Earth Ministry. Admission is free, but we need you to show up and vote with your dollars to select the winners of this year's sermon contest.
Our 2011 finalists are:
Paul Graves, Sandpoint, ID
Did Francis Have a Weed-Whacker?
Did Francis Have a Weed-Whacker?
Rev. Stephanie Johnson, New Haven, CT
Bill Scarvie, Bainbridge Island, WA
Changing Forms of Light
Changing Forms of Light
Gil Waldkoenig, Gettysburg, PA
Margins and Hope
Margins and Hope
Two awards will be presented: The People's Choice Award will go to the contestant with the highest number of votes as indicated on the donation ballot. The Franciscan Philanthropist Award will go to the contestant whose votes raise the most money in support of Earth Ministry's work and mission.
In addition to these great sermons, members of Earth Ministry's forty-four Greening Congregations will be honored for their greening work. The sermon contest will be followed by a heavy hors d'oeuvres reception.
Please join us as we celebrate God's gift of creation!